W. Graham Scroggie, in “Sunday School Times,” Col. 1:15-17, - God the Father is eternally hidden and unknowable, - Col. 1:15, Ex. 33:20, Matt. 1l:27, John 1:18; 6:46. I Tim. 1:17; 6:15, 16, - No man by searching can find out God. Direct and immediate knowledge of Him is impossible. He is the “invisible” and, therefore, the unknowable God.

In Christ the invisible God is fully and finally revealed. In Christ God becomes visible and all things else become intelligible. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” - John 14:9. Heb. 1:3, - The Son is “the effulgence of God’s glory, and the very image of His substance.” He is the manifestation of the divine attributes, and the embodiment of the divine essence. In Him the glory of God is radiated, and His character reflected. He makes visible the “invisible.” The essentially invisible Father has in the Son an eternal organ of self-manifestation. (“God is Spirit.”)

The incarnation of Christ was not the beginning of His “exegesis” of “the invisible God.” That began away back in the remoteness of eternity. Christ is God, without beginning, supreme, and transcendent. This was His own consciousness in incarnate life. There would be no need for God to be revealed if there were no intelligences (creatures) outside of the Godhead to behold Him; and speculatively one may say that, but for such intelligences, Christ would never have become “the image of the invisible God.” - (and become man.)

If Christ be not God He cannot be either Creator or Redeemer. Christ is not merely like God, but is God, and therefore pre-existent and uncreated, absolute in His eternity. - Phil. 2:6. Christ is the originator of all things. “In him were all things created.” - Col. 1:16, 17. All things were created by Christ and for Him. Christ is the controller of all things. “In him all things consist.” Christ is as certainly at work in nature and in history as in His church. Back of both is the divine Thinker, the infinite Wisdom, the almighty Power, who is the Son of God and our Redeemer, in Whom all things have their center of unity, who appoints to everything its place, who determines the relation of things to one another, and who combines all into an ordered whole so that this universe is a cosmos and not a chaos.

Christ is the perfecter of all things. Not only is He the Origin, and the Head, but also the Goal of the whole universe; the creative Cause, the continuous Cause, and the consummating Cause of all things. The world advances towards the fulfilment of its destiny in God through Christ. The time is sure when all things shall be summed up in Him. - Eph. 1:10.

By Christ the Father’s purpose passes into actuality and attains its end. He who is the Agent of creation is also its Aim, the Starting-point is also the Goal, the Alpha is also the Omega, the First is also the Last; that which proceeded from Christ and is sustained by Him also converges toward Him. The Creator and Redeemer is the Perfecter of all things. We should ever endeavor to see in one view the eternal Christ, and the historical Christ, the Creator and the Redeemer, not two persons but one. - Edinburg, Scotland.

Rev. C. H. Pridgeon has written: “The word “person” is inadequate when referring to the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Augustine, Calvin, and others express their regret at having to use so imperfect and misleading a word; but it was the best known word they had or we have. The words “subsistence” or “hypostasis,” are more accurate, but are too little understood. There are three such subsistences or hypostases in the Godhead and the Three make One. There is but one tree, not three. God the Father is the root, the Hidden God: God the Son is the part of the tree above the ground, He is the Manifest God: and the Holy Spirit is the Life that flows from one into the other and then outward. Again, God the Father may be compared to a great Love-Fire, which eternally begets the Son, who is the Light: and the Holy Spirit is the heat and chemical rays that proceed from both.

“In man desire generates images and thoughts. In God such generations are eternal realities. In His Deity the Son of God is uncreated: in His humanity He was created.

“Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; . . . And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.” - I Cor. 15:24-28; The reign of Christ, as Son of Man and Redeemer, comes to an end when His work of redemption is completed at the end of the ages. Then all things are subject to Him and He hands over all to the Father and He Himself has no more redeeming work to do as Son of Man, but in that capacity becomes subject to the Father. It might be well to notice that although the Son of Man becomes subject to the Father, the Scripture does not say that the Father becomes “all in all,” but “God (becomes) may be all in all,” that is, the whole Godhead becomes “all in all.” Christ as Redeemer and Son of Man becomes subject; but as Son of God He part of the Godhead that becomes all and in all. The Son will hand over the perfected kingdom to the Father, and God (Father, Son, and. Holy Ghost) will be “all in all.”

S. A. Jamison, in “Bridegroom’s Messenger: “In this age of modernistic teaching, especially when Jesus Christ is robbed of His Deity, it is very essential for the christian to have a clear idea of the Trinity. In the Godhead the three persons are the same in substance, of one and the same indivisible essence. This divine essence as a whole exists eternally as Father, and as Son, and as the Holy Ghost. Each person possesses the whole essence. The Son is eternally begotten by the Father. The Son is not from the Father, but in the Father, and the Father in the Son. The Spirit proceedeth from the Father and the Son. Christ has existed from eternity as the coequal Son of the Father, possessing the same self-existent essence with the Father and the Holy Ghost.”

“Some one has said that we should read the Bible only from one standpoint, to know the Lord Jesus Christ; and if one studies the Bible for any other purpose he will not understand it. The Bible begins with Jesus (Gen. 3:15), and ends with Him. In fact it is a revelation of Jesus Christ. The revelation of “God in Christ” - II Cor. 5:19. Christ is not only the central figure of the Bible, but the “First and the Last.” - Rev. 1:8; 22:13, Isa. 41:4; 43:10.

H. L. Hastings, Editor of “The Christian,” once wrote the following: “In those old days, when men whose kingdom was “of this world,” and whose servants were therefore willing to fight, had assumed authority over the flock of God, and had established organizations in which politics was more potent than piety, and where faith, instead of coming by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, was settled by the decisions of councils and the decrees of despots; when men disputed about things they did not understand, and persecuted people who chanced to know more or less than they did, etc.”

From the Encyclopedia Brittanica, on “The Council of Nicae, 325 A. D., we read: “Ecumenical Councils were called and controlled by the State, the Emperor. The expenses were largely paid, the delegates appointed, by the Emperor. Emperor Constantine appointed the time and place for the Council of Nicae, summoned the episcopate, paid part of the expense out of the public purse, nominated the committee in charge of the order of business, used his influence to bring about the adoption of the creed, and punished those who refused to subscribe. This council was no more an organ of ecclesiastical self-government than were the synods of Rome and Arles. It was rather a means whereby the church was ruled by secular power. The final goal of Greek philosophy was only reached when the great thinkers of the early christian church, who had been trained in the schools of Alexandria and Athens, used its modes of thought in their analysis of the christian idea of God. The result was the evolution of the doctrine of the Trinity.”

The fact is the Emperor Constantine only submitted to christian baptism on his death bed. He was afraid of forfeiting salvation before this, on account of his sins, which he had no desire to relinquish.

Some one has reflected as follows on this subject: “Why did not the saints in the second and third centuries cling to the great names of their Lord (in the Word), and find in Him all the mysteries connected with the Godhead? But instead of doing this some began to preach from the philosophy of Rome, Egypt, and Babylon, by which they tried to explain the Godhead. Hence Sabellianism, Arianism, and Athanasianism, the outcome of which was, and is today, a furious battle among God’s people. Oh that we would endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and at once throw all these isms into the garbage can, clinging to the prophetic and apostolic teaching, magnifying the Father in the person and name of the Son, by the power and the love of the Holy Spirit, seeing and preaching the fullness of the Godhead in the Lord Jesus Christ, according to the Scripture.” And I say, Amen ! ! !

St. Bernard: “When I name Christ Jesus I set before myself a Man meek and lowly of heart, conspicuous by all moral dignity and holiness, and One who is at the same time God Almighty, to heal me by His example, and to strengthen me by His aid.”

St. Chrysostom: “Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all. When thou hearest of Christ, do not think Him God only, or man only, but both together.”

The following beautiful poem, author unknown, we give in prose, to economize space: “Our Lord Jesus Christ.” – “Thou art Alpha and Omega, Living Word, of men the Light. Son of God, the Well Beloved, Source of Heaven’s great delight. Everlasting Father, Dayspring, Smitten Rock, Foundation Sure. Thou art laid elect and precious, as the Cornerstone secure.

“Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Israel’s Sceptre rising strong. Branch of David, Root of Jesse, Great Messiah promised long. Son of Man, Jehovah’s Servant, Glory of the Chosen Race. Faithful Witness, Prophet, Shepherd, Thou host Thy law enlarged through Grace.

“Man of Sorrows, Galilean, Nazarene, despised, oppressed. Bread of Life, with body broken, open Door to peace and rest. O Immanuel, the Holy, God, indeed, with us Thou art. Jesus, Savior, great Redeemer, Bleeding Lamb with broken heart.

“First Born from the dead, we hail thee, Resurrection and the Life. Heir of all things, Thou hast conquered, through the grim and awful strife. Thou the Church’s Head, all glorious, art the Lord our Righteousness. Wonderful, we laud, adore Thee, Mighty God, thy name we bless.

“Vine supporting many branches, Lily of the Valley fair. Chiefest One among Ten Thousand, Sharon’s Rose of beauty rare. Altogether Lovely, Bridegroom, Faithful, True, our Advocate. Bishop of our Souls, so tender, evermore our High-Priest great.”

Rev. A. C. Dixon, D. D.: “A child shall be born, a son shall be given, and he shall be called the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” - (Isa. 9:6.) The birth Jesus was therefore the incarnation of Deity. When we think of God we are apt to think of Him in human form. God revealed Himself to Joshua and others in human form.

“Jesus was the Son of Man; not a Son of Man. The blood of the whole race was in His veins. There is a universality in the character of Christ which you find in no other man. There is nothing of nationality in Him. There is nothing peculiar to any particular age of the world in Him. His was a heart pulsating with the blood of the human race.

“Jesus taught that He was God. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” - John 14:9, “He that seeth me seeth Him that sent me.” - John 12:45. His mission was to manifest God in His own person. “God was manifest in the flesh.” - I Tim. 3:16. Jesus taught the impossibility of knowing God the Father except through Himself. “No man knoweth the Father save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him” - Matt. 11:27. He claims identity of divine nature with the Father. “I and my (the) Father are one.” - John 10:30. He calmly claims attributes which none but God can possess. He declares that He is eternal. “Before Abraham was, I am.” - John 8:58. He claims to be omnipresent as to place and time. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” - Matt. 18:20. “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” - Matt. 28:20.

“Jesus taught that He was God, and John crowns Him Creator of the universe. - John 1:3. “This is the true God (Christ) and eternal life.” - I John 5:20. Paul’s Christ “who is over all God blessed forever,” (Rom. 9:5), is the true Christ. Jesus Christ was either deceived, madman, a bad man, or God. He was either God or the worst of men. We have just seen that He claimed the attributes of Deity. “Why callest thou me good, there is none good, but one, that is God.” - Mark 10:17, 18. To say that I am good is equal to saying that I am God. All admit that He is good; and if good, He is God. Christ was more than man, and as I see Him standing out distinct from and above all others, I cannot resist the impulse to fall at His feet and say with Thomas, “My Lord and my God.” - A. C. Dixon.

Another writer has said: “It is strange that people would look beyond the Lord Jesus Christ in an attempt to find the unknown God. The fountain proper comes forth from the unseen fountain head, and yet never ceases to be a part of it. The fountain proper is merely the fountain head in action. Therefore Jesus could say, “I and my (the) Father are one.” He could be called at the same time “the Only begotten of the Father,” and the very God Himself. “Emmanu-El.” - Matt. 1:23. Jude 24:25, I John 5:20. Jesus represents the entire person of God. He is all I need.” - (I Cor. 1:30.)

“We should never attempt to explain the mystery of God’s person by mere human wisdom. The Lord Jesus Christ was the complete solution to the mystery of God’s person. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” Is not our Lord great enough to fill our vision? Is He not sufficiently full of mystery to invite all of our thoughts and meditations to Himself? Let us hail Him as Thomas did, “My Lord and my God.” “Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.” - Heb. 5:11. “Unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” - Eph. 4:13. (We can never be disappointed in Him. - Eph. 1:10; 3:17-19.)

Prof. Frederick S. Jewell, Ph. D.: “Amid whatever changes of arts, letters, institutions and empires, one figure continues supreme in history. It is that of the man John baptized, whom Pilate crucified; who built no capital, led no army, wrote no wrote no volume; who seemed yet to the principal persons of his time to have fitly closed a restless yet an obscure life in ignoble death; but who named Himself, and who now is named in all the written languages of mankind, the Son of God and God Almighty.”

Neander: “The God who dwells in a light inaccessible into which the human spirit cannot penetrate must descend to humanity, bringing Himself into the limits of Man’s own finiteness in order to be truly known by him. Not until the incarnate manifestation of Deity through Christ, could the God afar off draw near mankind. For the first time, through this image of the Divine in human nature, was the idea of God enabled to enter in a vital and substantial way, into the thought and consciousness of the human race.

Zachary Eddy, D. D.: Let us not think of Christ as a man created by divine power, and then taken into intimate union with God – not as God and man morally – but as GOD-MAN, the true holy of holies wherein God personally dwells, and will dwell henceforth, even forever. There is the Well-Spring of life for a dead world; there is the light of men, the Son of truth and wisdom; there, is the image of the invisible God, and the brightness of His glory; there, is the Lord God our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the Savior. Yes, we adore Thee, Son of the Virgin, Son of God. Seeing Thee we see the Father. We worship Thee, in whom God is become man and man is taken into God.

“Messenger of the Kingdom”: “Alpha and Omega are A to Z of the Greek language. Jesus said, “I am Alpha and Omega.” He expressed Himself actually to be the whole written Word. The biggest and greatest revelation of the Eternal God and His mysterious, majestic person is the good old Bible. The God which we find in the sacred pages of the Bible is the true God. Since Jesus is our written and spiritual Bible, and the true God is found in the Bible, then it remains for us to look in the person and name and the sayings of our blessed Lord to find and know and worship the true God. The central theme of the Word of God is “God in Christ Jesus.” Therefore, we see our blessed Alpha and Omega in Genesis, and all the way through to the Book of Revelation.”

“The Pentecostal Evangel”: “The name Lord or Jehovah is pre-eminently God’s redemption name. It is used in Bible passages which specifically refer to the redeeming and saving work that God does for fallen, sinful man. Jehovah God, our Redeemer God, in His marvelous covenant relations with us, is the Eternal Christ, slain from the foundation of the world, whose outpoured life is the grace of God, working omnipotently in our behalf.”

Dr. Wm. L. Pettingill, Pres’t of Phila. Bible School: “All christians will one day be fundamentalists. That day will be when we get to heaven. Only those who believe in Christ as God, in His virgin birth, and in his resurrection – an irreducible minimum of christian faith – will go to heaven. Those who deny this will be lost and go to hell.” This would surely be a bad line-up for Pentecostal people.

Dr. Campbell Morgan says: “When Jesus told the young ruler there was “none good but one - God,” He meant to declare that He Himself was God. - Matt. 19:17.

Rev. Elijah Hedding, in a Sermon preached before the Annual Meth. Conf., at Bath, Maine, in 1822, made the following statements, with a host of ample Scripture reference to prove his assertions. We have only room for the statements. “John 1:1, 2, - Of the word it is here affirmed He is God. Jesus Christ is the Supreme God. Father and Son are one and the same Being. Christ is the true God, and Eternal Life. Christ is God over all. Jesus Christ is the Lord God of the holy Prophets. Jesus is Jehovah. Christ is the One Eternal Supreme Being. Christ is the Immutable Being. Christ Omniscient Being. Christ is the Omnipresent Being. Christ is the Almighty Being. Christ is the proper Object of worship. Christ is the Creator of all things. God and the Word are the same Being.” This was the belief and teaching of Early Methodism.

James Speirs, London, England: “All christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb of God, an Advocate with God, and a Mediator between God and Man. But the higher truths in relation to His Divinity are entirely overlooked. The Sonship of Jesus is admitted. He is regarded as the Lamb of God. But not as God Himself. The confession that Jesus is God is merely verbal; the feeling that He is a being inferior and subordinate is inrooted. The Jehovah God of the O. T. is the Jesus Christ of the N. T. Jesus is God Himself, Creator and Sustainer of the world that came in flesh and dwelt in it a while. Jehovah and Jesus are one.” (Luke 13:34, 35, Ps. 91:14.)

Some one has written: “The apostles saw Jesus as God and manifest in the flesh, as the One by whom and for whom all things were created, and as the new Sinless Head of the whole human race; and they saw aright. In the present awful apostasy the time seems to be right to call for a world-wide and final answer to a challenge like that given by Elijah to the people of Israel on Mt. Camel long ago. That challenge takes this form, “If Jesus Christ be God, follow Him.”

L. T. Townsend: “If John believed that Jesus Christ was united to Deity, in such manner as to be God’s real Personality, he could have expressed himself in no other way so briefly, so directly, so clearly and so well as to say, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” - John 1:1. Rev. 3:1; 15:3; 17:4.

“It must be clear to all that Jesus Christ, in John’s Christology is the God whose glory Isaiah saw in the vision, when it filled the temple and shook its foundations – Isa. 6:1-5, John 12:41. He is Alpha and Omega. – Rev. 22:13. The true God. – I John 5:20.

Jesus in the Scriptures is called God, or by a name implying it, no less than 15 times. Seventy-seven times He is called Lord; ten times are the same things spoken of Him as God; and 52 times He is presented as an object of worship. 15 as possessing eternal life; in 17 as Judge of the world; in 20 as the bestower of rewards; and in 24 as the executor of the punishment of the wicked.

The Jews clearly understood Him to teach that He was God. It was for this claim that they attempted to kill Him. This to them was blasphemy, and it was blasphemy unless He possessed and could wield all the attributes of Jehovah. When we mass all these facts must we not say that Jesus felt beyond a doubt that there was in Him an essential substance which in no respect differs from Deity?”

“The Wonderful Word”: “Jesus Christ is no less than the God-man, and the one in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells. He is the greatest Person in the universe. There is no place high enough, for he fills all things. Human language does not contain words sufficient to tell of His worth. Words utterly break fail and break down in attempt to give Him honor, Who is above all, over all, and in all. Vowels, consonants and dipthongs cannot unite the framing words that speak of His matchless glory. “Christ is the Fact of facts, the Bible’s Theme. He is the God, all Light from Him doth gleam. He is the Man of men, beyond all dream. He is the God of love, all love Divine. He’s All! The Visibility of God.”

“The Incarnation is called “the mystery of godliness.” As the Cherubim bent in reverent perplexity over the Ark of the Covenant, so do we devoutly ponder this fundamental truth. The angels desire to look into it. – I Peter 1:12.

Adam Clarke, on I Cor. 15:27, 28: “He is excepted,” i.e., the Father; who hath put all things under him, the Son. This observation seems to be introduced by the apostle to show, that he does not mean that the Divine Nature shall be subject to the human nature. Christ, as Messiah, and Mediator between God and Man, must be considered inferior to the Father; and his human nature, however dignified in consequence of its union with the Divine Nature, must be inferior to God. The whole of this verse should be read in a parenthesis.

“The Son also himself shall be subject.” Then the administration of the kingdom of grace is finally closed; when there shall be no longer any state of probation; and consequently no longer need a distinction between the kingdom of grace, and the kingdom of glory; then the Son, as being man, shall cease to exercise any distinct dominion; and God be all in all; there remaining no longer any distinction in the persons of the glorious Trinity, as acting any distinct or separate parts in either the kingdom of grace, or the kingdom of glory; and so the one infinite essence shall appear undivided and eternal.” – Clarke.

Bishop Lightfoot, on Phil. 2:6: “The form of God” means the “essential attributes of God.”

Rev. L..W.: Gosnell, Assis. Dean, Moody Bible Inst., quoting B. B. Warfield, says: “The ‘form of God’ is the sum of the characteristics which make the being we call God, specifically God, rather than some other being, - an angel, say, or a man. When our Lord is said to be ‘in the form of God,’ therefore, He is declared, in the most express manner possible to be all that God is, to possess the whole fulness of attributes which make God God.”

Bob Shuler: “As to Christ, He was and is either God, or He was and is a liar, for He said He was God.”

“The Redeemed Hebrew”: “Does not Dr. Isaac Lesser translate Isa. 9:6, as follows, “Counsellor of the Mighty God, of the Everlasting Father,” etc.? Lesser renders it so, but he had an object in so doing. It was his intention to distinctly obliterate the most powerful pre-designation of the coming Messiah. In the first place, Lesser does not believe in the Messiah, and in the second place, it was his wish that no one should apply this passage to a Messiah in whom he himself did not believe. The Yiddish translation, and all English, Greek, and other translations give it that the Messiah was to be “The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father,” etc. Dr. Torrey, in a sermon on “The Deity of Christ,” at The Bible Institute, Los Angeles, some years ago, condemned this translation of Dr. Lesser’s on Isa. 9:6.

“The Friend of Russia: “The titles given to Jehovah in the Word of God clearly set forth who and what He is in Himself, His character, nature and eternal Godhead, and also, what He was to His ancient people the chosen race of Israel. But these titles also have a direct application to Christ. Nothing is more clearly taught in the Word of God, than that the Jehovah of the O. T. is the Christ of the N. T., and the Christ of the N. T. is the Jehovah of the O. T. The: O. T. titles of Jehovah assert and proclaim the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is God.”

Another well known preacher, at one time head of the Christian Missionary Alliance has recently called attention to the fact that Jehovah, the “I Am,” the Logos, the Lord Jesus Christ, was the past, present and future of’ God. Hence all of God. He was the form God took to reveal Himself to man, so we could know Him. This preacher expressed his conviction that this Jehovah-Jesus is the only God we will ever see.

What a contrast are these expressions to that of a recent teacher in our midst who writes as follows: “Our Christianity has become a Jesus religion, and it is no wonder that strange and fantastic creeds have grown out of It.” He declares we are all orphans because of this fact. Possibly forgetting that Jesus Himself said, “I will not leave you “orphans”; I will come unto you.” - John 14:18. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” – John 14:7-9. “I and the Father are one.” – John 10:30. Some have foolishly asked the question, “Is Jesus then his own Father?”, thinking thus to dispose of these sublime declarations. The whole trouble with our treatment of this subject is the fact that we have tried to reduce the Godhead to human analogy, reasoning humanly of the nature of the Deity of Christ and the relationship of the Godhead.

Millions of the devoted dupes of Rome hail “the man of sin” as “our Lord God the Pope.” Should christians refuse equal homage to our Lord Jesus Christ? The Antichrist will soon set himself forth in the temple “as God.” – I John 5:20. Antichrist is “against Christ.” It is Christ or Antichrist. Which one shall be God? If Christ, then follow Him. One or the other must be God.

Too many christians, like Philip, are still looking for the Father apart from Christ. They are still begging to be shown the Father. “Doest thou not know me, Philip? “He that hath see me hath seen the Father.” – John 14:9. When the Father gave His Son He gave Himself also. We have no Father apart from Jesus. Tradition would have us running up and down stairs in the Ark, trying to find God. But Jesus is the Ark. We are safe in Him. Though there are three stories, there was only one Ark. “That we might know him that is true; and we are in him that is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God, and eternal life.” - I John 5:20. Dr. Torrey, with most capable Bible students, applies this Scripture to Jesus. Jesus is the very unoriginated God. – John 1:1; 20:28, Acts 20:28, Rom. 9:5, Col. 2:9, Phil 2:6, I Tim. 3:16, Titus 2:10, Heb. 1:8.

“Unto a dispensation of the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ.” – Eph. 1:10. “Take heed lest there shall be any one that maketh spoil of you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, and not after Christ, for in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and ye are complete in Him.” – Col. 2:8-10. All we can know of the Sun is what reaches our earth. So all we can know of God is what is revealed to us, or reaches us, through and in Jesus Christ.

“That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Christ).” – Eph. 1:17. “Searching what time or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them (the prophets) did point unto.” – I Peter 1:11. “That they may know the mystery of God, Christ, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden.” – Col. 2:2, 3. “To give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” – II Cor. 4:6.